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5 Ways To Know If Your Relationship Has Potential

In the realm of dating, especially online dating, it can be challenging to transition from a purely physical relationship to one where love is blossoming.

The struggle men face in surpassing this hurdle is deeply rooted in their carnal desires and the impact sex has on them.

Firstly, a man’s body yearns for sexual connection. He adores your body and the energy that arises when engaging in intimate acts.

That’s why he will seize any opportunity to pursue sex with you. From late-night texts to check if you’re awake to concocting flimsy excuses to visit your home.

However, ladies, don’t fall into the trap of thinking he’s solely focused on you. He is also thinking about his own pleasure and what you can bring to him.

When it comes to transitioning your relationship from a purely physical one to a partnership with marriage potential and a lifelong connection, both of you need to delve deeper and ascertain whether this man has the qualities to be your future husband. While sex may be the starting point of a man’s connection with a woman, both of you must ensure that your bond goes beyond the superficial.

You need to connect on mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional levels.

To determine if your relationship is more than just a casual sexual encounter and if it has the potential for love, consider the following points:

Here are 5 indicators that your relationship has potential beyond a booty call:

  1. He practices self-love
    Is he generally content with his life and the positive impact he makes in the world? His happiness should not solely depend on how you make him feel about himself, and vice versa. As Will Smith once stated, “You can make a person smile, you can make a person feel good, you can make a person laugh, but whether or not that person is happy is deeply and totally and utterly out of your control.”
  1. He understands the importance of teamwork He recognizes that a relationship involves more than just one person. If he starts including you in family events and shares important stories about his life and friends, he is integrating you into significant aspects of his life.
  2. He is self-assured
    Does he possess the confidence to express his opinions and help you grow? Someone who doesn’t genuinely care about you will be indifferent to your aspirations and dreams. You want to see that your future husband supports you and encourages you to reach your full potential.
  1. He appreciates you for who you are
    When your future husband truly appreciates you, he will have no difficulty expressing this to others. When you feel valued and appreciated, he acknowledges the qualities you bring to his life.
  2. He experiences a sense of unity
    This may be the most challenging aspect to discern, as your future husband may be reluctant to reveal it for fear of losing control. Trust that if all the other components are in place, this feeling of unity will be present or will soon follow.

If not, then this man has confined your relationship to the purely sexual realm. In such a case, you must decide if that’s the type of relationship you truly desire. If not, it may be time to make a change.

Athena Dykman, a native Canadian, has seen and done it all. Besides Numerology, Taro, and Astrology, Athena is an intuitive reader - she's been in business for over 10 years as a personal advisor. Since 2020, she has been writing for MyAstrology. Her topics range from occultism to esoterica to art to parenting to feminism to fortune telling.

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