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Where Is Leo In Your Birth Chart?

As the Sun enters Leo and Leo Season commences on July 22nd, a wave of creativity, romance, and fun-loving energy washes over us. You don’t have to be a Leo zodiac sign to experience this energy in your life. Leo is present somewhere in all of our natal charts, and during this time, we tap into the Leo energy that permeates our lives.

Leo, the fifth zodiac sign, follows the emotional and sensitive Cancer and precedes the hard-working Virgo. Positioned as a Fire sign, Leo exudes energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life. As a Fixed sign, it harnesses its energy to focus on its creative endeavors. These traits contribute to Leo’s association with creativity.

Governed by the Sun, Leo is a sign that craves self-expression and desires to shine brightly. Individuals with Leo influence are often comfortable with attention and seek praise for their achievements. However, excessive pride can hinder their growth if left unchecked.

The arrival of Leo Season signifies a period when joy and love take center stage. It prompts us to reconnect with our hearts, loved ones, and the positive aspects of life. This season invites us to take a break from work, study, and responsibilities to indulge in enjoyment. While practicality may take precedence in the upcoming season, Leo Season encourages us to embrace playfulness and fun in the present.

During the Sun’s transit through Leo, it interacts with the Leo portion of your birth chart. At some point during this time, the Sun aligns with the planets in your Leo placements, igniting the corresponding energies and bringing forth your inner Lion.

Leo in the Birth Chart: Planets If you have any planets in Leo within your natal chart, these are the areas where you primarily express your Leo energy.

Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign in Leo
The presence of the Sun or Moon in Leo represents the strongest expression of Leo energy. As the natural ruler of Leo, the Sun holds a prominent position within this sign, infusing individuals with a strong personality and a penchant for creativity. These individuals often attract attention for their unique traits and creations.

Having the Moon in Leo signifies an emotional expression akin to that of a Lion. You tend to be positive, fun-loving, and require a certain level of playfulness to maintain emotional security. During emotional moments, you may exhibit theatrical tendencies that need to be balanced and controlled.

If your Ascendant sign is Leo, your outward personality embodies the essence of Leo even more. Confident and slightly dramatic, you shine in leadership roles and maintain high personal standards. Your self-assuredness is evident, capturing the attention of those around you.

Mercury in Leo
With Mercury in Leo, your communication and overall expression possess a Lion’s flair. Your way with words is captivating, and you may find joy in storytelling. However, you may struggle with focusing on serious matters and place undue importance on others’ opinions of your ideas. Building self-confidence is essential for personal growth.

Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo governs your relationships and interactions with others. Attention from loved ones is vital to you, and you may exhibit grand romantic gestures. Affectionate and loyal, you have the potential to build lasting connections. However, occasional neediness may arise, highlighting the importance of developing a strong sense of self to avoid dependency.

Mars in Leo
With Mars in Leo, your energy and drive align with the Lion’s spirit. Taking initiative and being active come naturally to you, empowering you to make significant strides. However, you may place excessive importance on meeting others’ expectations, so learning to prioritize your own desires is crucial.

Jupiter in Leo
Having Jupiter in Leo indicates a Lion’s approach to expanding your life and seeking new experiences. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm enable you to pursue opportunities with zeal. Your creativity knows no bounds, and your zest for life is contagious. Be mindful of not allowing your ego to overshadow your journey.

Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Leo presents challenges in accessing your inner Lion. This placement signifies the areas where lessons must be learned before fully embracing Leo energy. You may encounter important lessons related to creativity, praise, confidence, attention, or authenticity. Once you overcome these obstacles, you will radiate strength, confidence, and comfort in the attention you receive from others. Your belief in yourself will be unwavering.

Uranus in Leo
Uranus in Leo reflects a Lion’s perspective on change. Your positive outlook drives you to approach life’s transformations with enthusiasm. Your unconventional true self shines through, embracing your unique quirks.

Neptune in Leo
Neptune was last in Leo from 1915 to 1928. If you’re still kicking, congratulations on making it this far! Spiritually, you embody the essence of a Lion. Intuitively creative and inspired, you possess a charismatic nature that quietly garners attention. Your influence may be refreshing to others. Since Neptune won’t return to Leo until 2078, it’ll be over 50 years before the next generation born under this influence emerges.

Pluto in Leo
Pluto last resided in Leo from 1937 to 1958, and it won’t return for another 160 years. If you have Pluto in Leo, you embody the power of a Lion. Your incredible strength and courage contribute to your formidable personality.

Chiron in Leo
Chiron in Leo indicates that healing your wounds involves addressing issues related to attention, praise, and concern for others’ opinions. You may struggle with showing your authentic self, but developing confidence, self-awareness, and creative self-expression will facilitate your healing journey.

Leo in the Birth Chart: Houses Even if you have no planets in Leo, you will still find Leo somewhere in your natal houses. These 12 houses correspond to different areas of your life and personality, and Leo’s influence can be found within them.

Some individuals may have Leo present in two houses, while others may not have any Leo placements (in which case, Leo falls within the house governed by Cancer, though the energy may be more subconscious).

Leo in the 1st
House If Leo falls within your 1st house, you possess Leo Rising, and your outward demeanor reflects the essence of Leo. You exude an upbeat, friendly, and humorous aura, and people enjoy being in your company. Your fondness for hair may be distinctive or recognized in some way, symbolizing the majestic mane of a lion.

Leo in the 2nd
House With Leo in the 2nd house, you tend to be generous with your finances and resources. You delight in giving gifts and may have a tendency to splurge, requiring careful control over your spending. Your confidence may be intertwined with your financial situation, so it’s essential to separate the two.

Leo in the 3rd
House Leo in the 3rd house brings a touch of theatricality to your communication and self-expression. Your voice can be boisterous at times, resembling a mighty roar. Your creative ideas and plans flourish, making you a skilled writer, speaker, or teacher, particularly for young children.

Leo in the 4th
House With Leo in the 4th house, you embrace your inner Lion when it comes to your home and family dynamics. You naturally assume a leadership role within your family or the individuals you consider family. As the head of the household, you fiercely protect your loved ones and your home.

Leo in the 5th
House Leo in the 5th house magnifies your romantic side. You relish the excitement of dating, romance, and grand displays of affection. When infatuated, you pounce on the opportunity to pursue the object of your interest. Your protective instincts extend to those you love, especially your children if you have any.

Leo in the 6th
House In the 6th house, Leo manifests through your work life. You thrive in roles that allow you to garner attention, receive praise, or exercise your creativity. Without these elements, work may hold little appeal for you. You exude power in your daily life, feeling strong when organized, attentive to detail, and in control of the small things.

Leo in the 7th
House Leo in the 7th house signifies a Lion’s influence in your relationships. You embody qualities such as love, affection, loyalty, and protectiveness. Leo-like individuals naturally gravitate toward you, as you are drawn to those who command attention, exhibit creativity, or possess larger-than-life personalities. Relationships provide a platform for you to shine, expressing your true self in the presence of a partner.

Leo in the 8th
House With Leo in the 8th house, you experience significant transformations throughout your life, affecting your personality and self-presentation. You may encounter adversity, but your unwavering strength allows you to overcome obstacles. Your generosity extends to the legacy you leave behind, particularly for your children.

Leo in the 9th
House Leo in the 9th house accentuates your theatricality when passionately discussing subjects you believe in. You generate significant ideas for progress and thrive when traveling, exploring new experiences, and expanding your knowledge.

Leo in the 10th
House Leo in the 10th house brings attention to your achievements. Your focus revolves around creative goals that attract recognition. Your public persona exudes friendliness, humor, and lightheartedness. This placement is commonly associated with celebrities, as your endeavors draw substantial attention.

Leo in the 11th
House With Leo in the 11th house, you naturally gravitate toward Leo-like friends. You enjoy the company of individuals who bring laughter, possess vibrant personalities, and command attention. Your dreams for the future often involve creative pursuits, and you express your true self in unconventional ways, leaving a lasting impression.

Leo in the 12th
House Leo in the 12th house signifies a preference for showcasing your inner Lion in the background, away from the limelight. Publicly revealing your true self feels uncomfortable, and you reserve this vulnerability for those who know you intimately. Your loyalty and strength are unwavering, positioning you as the powerful force behind others’ success.

Embrace Your Inner Lion, Wherever It May Be! Leo energy is synonymous with joy and self-expression. Regardless of where Leo resides within your birth chart, embrace its essence and allow yourself to shine, revealing your authentic self to the world. If you’re a Leo zodiac sign, make sure to read your horoscope. For everyone else, consult the astrology calendar to determine when Leo Season begins and ends. Enjoy the playful and vibrant energy that Leo brings to your life.

Athena Dykman, a native Canadian, has seen and done it all. Besides Numerology, Taro, and Astrology, Athena is an intuitive reader - she's been in business for over 10 years as a personal advisor. Since 2020, she has been writing for MyAstrology. Her topics range from occultism to esoterica to art to parenting to feminism to fortune telling.

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