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What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Manifest This Week, August 14 – 20, 2023

Embrace the magic of your dreams coming to life as the New Moon in Leo reaches its peak on August 16, ushering in a season of passionate new beginnings and the courage to chase after your aspirations. The New Moon holds the key to finding harmony with the past lunar phase, inspiring hope to set new intentions and embark on a fresh journey. Within the realm of Leo, this calls for attuning to your heart’s desires, acknowledging the truths it holds, and pursuing them with unwavering determination.

This lunar phase radiates unparalleled energy for manifestation, where the realm of possibilities is boundless as you set a new course and venture into an exciting chapter of your voyage. The New Moon shares a zodiac sign with the Sun, enabling a more profound alignment between your actions and your external self. The Sun represents your conscious self, the driving force propelling your dreams towards realization, while the Moon, steering your emotional realm, adds depth to your intentions.

These two celestial bodies create a harmonious symphony that resonates with the universe to set intentions that honor both aspects of your being. During the New Moon, your heart aligns with your aspirations, bridging the gap between your thoughts and choices. This union propels you towards the realization that by embracing your deepest self, you can breathe life into your wildest dreams.

Leo’s fiery essence infuses your dreams with an intensified energy, as your aspirations roar to life like an untamed flame. To best harness this manifestation energy during this lunar phase, concentrate on your aspirations, explore new paths, and acknowledge the course your heart is steering you towards. While Venus may be in retrograde within Leo, this New Moon remains a potent opportunity to act, especially as recent revelations have unveiled greater truths. Although patience might be required in the weeks ahead, this phase represents a crucial juncture for planning your next steps once this retrograde concludes. Listen to your inner voice, honor your passions, and perceive this as the genesis of an extraordinary journey.

Manifestation for Your Zodiac Sign: August 14 – 20

(March 21 – April 19)

How To Manifest: A New Beginning of Joy

The New Moon in Leo illuminates your sector of joy, urging you to construct a life infused with happiness and bliss. To channel this energy, consider crafting an intention jar. Blend salt, cardamom, basil, rose petals, and orange peels in a small jar. While repeating your affirmation, seal it with orange wax and place it on your altar, ensuring its sanctity.

Weekly Affirmation: I am embarking on a journey prioritizing joy and happiness.

(April 20 – May 20)

How To Manifest: A New Beginning in Healing

Leo’s energy envelops your emotional healing zone, encouraging you to focus on the parts of yourself that demand greater love and attention. Kickstart your ritual by anointing a small pink candle with bergamot essential oil. Create a mixture of cinnamon and lavender, rolling the candle in the blend. As you light the candle, clutch a piece of rhodonite and recite your affirmation. Once the candle has burned completely, bury it, and any herbs, in your garden, symbolizing the growth of inner peace.

Weekly Affirmation: I embrace newfound healing possibilities for myself and my life.

(May 21 – June 20)

How To Manifest: A New Beginning in Self-Expression

The New Moon in Leo activates your communication sector, inviting you to authentically express your truths. Commence by anointing your throat chakra with verbena essential oil and assemble an herb bundle containing lavender, rosemary, and basil. Take three deliberate breaths, then cleanse your aura by wafting the herbs without igniting them. As you conclude, suspend the herbs above your bed, ushering in renewed energy.

Weekly Affirmation: I seize the moment to alter how I articulate myself and my aspirations.

(June 21 – July 22)

How To Manifest: A New Financial Beginning

Leo’s influence amplifies your value sector, spotlighting the connection between self-worth and finances. To harness this potent energy, inscribe your affirmation on paper, fold it thrice towards you, and immerse it in a jar of honey. Enhance the jar with basil, cinnamon, and three coins, all the while repeating your affirmation. Consume the honey daily or infuse it into your beverages, directing your energy towards manifesting your dreams.

Weekly Affirmation: I am deserving of all my dreams and channel my energy towards financial renewal.

Stay tuned for the continuation of this rephrased article, providing insight into the manifestation opportunities for the remaining zodiac signs.

(July 23 – August 22)

How To Manifest: Embrace a Fresh Start Rooted in Authenticity

The New Moon in Leo infuses your realm of self with renewed energy, inviting you to embark on a journey of transformation in how you navigate life. Begin your ritual by laying out a square of pristine white fabric. Arrange rose quartz, lapis lazuli, verbena for truth, lemon peels, and chamomile within it. Secure the four corners with a blue ribbon while repeating your affirmation, then place this meaningful bundle on your altar, workspace, or within your purse to anchor yourself in this invigorating new chapter.

Weekly Affirmation: I am embarking on a new life chapter founded solely on my genuine truth.

(August 23 – September 22)

How To Manifest: Cultivate a Fresh Beginning of Honoring Intuition

Leverage the potential of the New Moon in Leo within your intuition sector to foster a deeper connection with your divine gifts. Craft an altar adorned with a violet candle, encircle it with protective salt, and add lemon balm, representing the Leo sign. While lighting the candle, grasp an amethyst in your left hand, reciting your affirmation. Afterwards, scatter the salt and lemon balm around your front door, and tuck the amethyst into your clothing to facilitate a profound alignment with your intuition.

Weekly Affirmation: I am initiating a new life that honors my intuition as I embrace a greater sense of purpose.

(September 23 – October 22)

How To Manifest: Embark on a New Path Toward Life Goals

The Leo New Moon animates your sphere of goals and focus, providing an opportunity to honor your aspirations and set intentions for a promising new beginning. Initiate the process by jotting down your dreams on a piece of paper, no matter how audacious they seem. Assemble four green candles in a square formation, each etched with the sigil of prosperity. Place your goals at the center, then light the candles while repeating your affirmation eleven times. Upon completion, let the flames consume your goals safely and scatter the cooled ashes to the winds of destiny.

Weekly Affirmation: I am steadfastly pursuing the desires of my heart, transforming into the person who turns dreams into reality.

(October 23 – November 21)

How To Manifest: Pave the Way for a New Career Beginning

The Leo New Moon directs your focus towards your career zone, encouraging you to manifest your true aspirations within your professional journey. Unite three distinct ribbons: green symbolizing success, yellow for happiness, and gold representing abundance. Braid these ribbons while repeating your affirmation, infusing them with your intent. Visualize your desired career outcomes during this process. Once complete, hang the braid as high as possible in a tree, a symbolic gesture reflecting your aspirations’ lofty heights.

Weekly Affirmation: I am primed for a fresh career chapter, fueled by achievements, success, and fulfillment.

(November 22 – December 21)

How To Manifest: Cultivate Abundance and Begin Anew

The Leo energy revitalizes your realm of abundance and novel experiences, encouraging you to consider the steps needed to manifest the life you’ve always envisioned. Gather a bowl of white sugar and infuse it with basil for prosperity, cinnamon for love, rosemary for healing, and lemon balm for truth. As you blend the ingredients, repeat your affirmation, and incorporate this mixture into your daily drinks, directing your focus towards nurturing abundant energy within yourself.

Weekly Affirmation: I am deserving of a life abundant in all aspects.

(December 22 – January 19)

How To Manifest: Forge a Fresh Start in Intimate Relationships

With the New Moon in Leo illuminating your intimate sector, it’s an opportune time to initiate a rejuvenated phase within your romantic life. Lay out a pink square of fabric and arrange rose petals, lavender, fenugreek, rose quartz, and carnelian on it. Secure the fabric with red thread while reciting your affirmation. Then, place it under the side of your bed where you sleep, symbolizing a fresh chapter in romantic exploration.

Weekly Affirmation: I am embarking on a new romantic phase, drawing wisdom from the past, and embracing my longing for intimacy.

(January 20 – February 18)

How To Manifest: Embark on a Romantic New Beginning

As the New Moon in Leo amplifies your romantic zone, consider ways to invigorate your romantic life. Ignite a red candle and halve an apple. Engrave your and your partner’s names or your desired qualities if single, onto each side. Fasten the apple with red thread and bury it beneath an oak tree while affirming your intention.

Weekly Affirmation: I am prepared to enter a fresh romantic journey, unburdened by past heartaches.

(February 19 – March 20)

How To Manifest: Foster a Renewed Well-Being

The Leo New Moon kindles your wellness sector, prompting introspection about how your physical health influences your capacity to manifest your desired life. Kickstart your ritual by boiling water and filling your favorite mug. Infuse the water with lemon juice, cinnamon, cardamom, and peppermint, allowing the blend to steep while repeating your affirmation. As you savor the revitalizing concoction, visualize your desired life unfolding.

Weekly Affirmation: *I am dedicated to enhancing my well-being, willing to take every step to feel my best and realize my

Athena Dykman, a native Canadian, has seen and done it all. Besides Numerology, Taro, and Astrology, Athena is an intuitive reader - she's been in business for over 10 years as a personal advisor. Since 2020, she has been writing for MyAstrology. Her topics range from occultism to esoterica to art to parenting to feminism to fortune telling.

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