Your most potent power lies in your unwavering confidence that failure is not an option. Embrace the realm of the impossible as you harness the energy of Mars in Virgo, allowing you to conquer even the most complex and challenging situations, ensuring success in your manifestations. Mars, the planet of action, ambition, and passion, compels you to slow down, analyze the details, and create a well-thought-out plan that guarantees favorable outcomes.
Working with Mars is highly advantageous when it comes to manifesting because it governs action, enabling you to swiftly achieve your desires. However, during this period, it is essential to approach things with logical thinking, even if your passion propels you forward. It’s not just about envisioning what you want; it’s also about planning the necessary steps to attain it.
As you prepare to utilize the energy of Mars in Virgo for your manifesting endeavors, it is crucial to cultivate self-confidence and trust in yourself. This foundation allows you to believe so profoundly in your abilities that failure becomes an unthinkable option, empowering you to manifest anything you want or need. Such unwavering belief is at the core of the power of attraction and manifesting, as the stronger your conviction, the greater your success in realizing all your dreams.
Now, let’s explore what each zodiac sign needs to manifest on Tuesday, July 11, 2023:
Aries (March 21 – April 19):
Manifest: Emotional balance
Create an aura spray using lemongrass and lavender essential oil. Incorporate it into your morning routine, spraying your entire body while repeating the daily affirmation: “I prioritize my mental well-being as it enables me to achieve all I desire.”
Related: Scorpio’s Strengths and Weaknesses: Understanding Their Deep Complexity
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
Manifest: Deeper commitment
Write your partner’s name and yours on a bay leaf, then place it in a burn-safe bowl along with white sage for healing, verbena for truth, and cardamom for commitment. Burn it while repeating the affirmation, then let the wind carry away the ashes. Affirmation for today: “I am ready for and embracing a deeper commitment in my relationship and life.”
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
Manifest: A more positive home
Create a smudge using white sage, lavender, and lemongrass. Before burning it, place your hands over the smudging dish and infuse it with your affirmation. Light it and smudge your home using a white or yellow feather while repeating the affirmation: “My home is a space of positivity and peace.”
Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
Manifest: Abundant plans
Create a designated space to write down action steps for your future. Light a gold candle and anoint your third eye with peppermint essential oil. Write down your dreams and one action step for each. Fold the paper, anoint it with olive oil, and place it on your altar. Affirmation for today: “I am focusing on the necessary details to implement my plans.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22):
Manifest: Deep belief in self
Write your affirmation on a bay leaf and anoint it with sandalwood essential oil. Plant it beneath the strong roots of a tree while repeating the affirmation: “I believe in myself and all my dreams.”
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
Manifest: Focus
Begin your day by anointing your wrists with essential grapefruit oil and carrying or wearing sunstone. Sit briefly, placing your hands in dhyana mudra, and silently repeat the affirmation: “I will focus on what I must achieve and let everything else go.”
Related: Astrology for Aries: Harnessing the Power of Your Ruling Planet, Mars
Libra (September 23 – October 22):
Manifest: Boundaries
Etch your name onto a black candle. Place it on your altar surrounded by sugar and white sage for gentle protection. Light the candle, hold your hands in Anjali mudra, and repeat the affirmation nine times: “My boundaries protect me and ensure I am constantly surrounded by those who want the best for me.”
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
Manifest: Self-confidence
Write your name on a slip of paper and tie it around a tiger’s eye using a red string for confidence. Repeat your affirmation throughout this process. Carry or place the tiger’s eye in your clothing or workspace, returning to the affirmation whenever it catches your attention: “I am confident in manifesting the life I desire.”
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
Manifest: Decision making
Anoint your third eye with frankincense essential oil to tune into your spirit. Tie a red string around your right thumb as a symbol of decision making and taking action. Repeat the affirmation while doing so, and observe the thoughts that arise: “I am embracing the power of my decisions to create a life of growth and abundance.”
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
Manifest: Trust
Wrap a blue candle with violet thread to symbolize your trusting relationship with your inner self. Place it in a north-facing area of your home to represent knowledge and direction. Light the candle, rest your palms open on your knees, and repeat the affirmation: “I trust myself and the divine as I embrace new opportunities.”
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
Manifest: Soul alignment Use bamboo, representing your zodiac sign, or obtain bamboo sticks or a plant. Add a violet candle to your altar space to symbolize your soul. Light the candle, focusing on the strength of the bamboo, and repeat the affirmation eleven times: “I am returning home to my soul as I trust deeper in its direction.”
Related: How Cognitive Bias Shapes Tarot Readings: The Science of Belief
Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
Manifest: Romantic growth
Light palo santo to smudge yourself and your space while repeating the affirmation. Write your name and your partner’s name on two rose petals. Place them at the base of a red candle and, as it burns, envision the petals growing together, repeating the affirmation seven times: “I am actively participating in the growth of my romantic relationship.”
Harness the power of manifestation aligned with your zodiac sign, and may your intentions manifest with abundant blessings.