Countries, states, and cities possess birth charts, just like individuals do. Astrologers who specialize in studying world events often examine the charts of countries and their leaders to predict future occurrences.
To create a country’s birth chart, astrologers consider the year, day, and hour that the country came into existence. For instance, the birth chart for the United States is commonly based on July 4th, 1776. There are different charts associated with this date, with Sagittarius rising and Gemini rising being the most prevalent. However, I personally use the Sagittarius rising chart, which is set at 5:10 PM in Philadelphia. This choice is supported by historical documents and has demonstrated accurate outcomes. It is worth noting that some astrologers argue that July 2nd, the day of the crucial vote for independence, should be considered as the actual date for the US chart.
In my research, I have found that the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius chart for July 4th, 1776 best describes the traits embodied by the United States, such as optimism, expansion, and the pioneering spirit of the Wild West. This chart, known as the “Sibly chart,” is the most commonly used among astrologers, although there are other charts and times that are still debated.
The Sun in the United States’ birth chart falls in Cancer, specifically at 13 degrees, within the seventh house. In astrology, the Sun represents the leader of the country and reflects the nation’s nature and identity. Cancer is a warm and sensitive sign associated with home, homeland, family, and nurturing. With the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Venus, both also in Cancer, there is a fortunate and honorable aspect to the US population. The Sun’s placement in the seventh house signifies the importance the US places on partnerships and alliances with other countries, promoting friendliness among the populace and empowering the people over the government.

However, the Sun also squares Saturn, forming a challenging aspect. This square indicates potential unpopularity for certain presidents or leaders, as well as obstacles and delays in legislation. The health of the nation may also be affected at times due to this placement.
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Moving on to the Moon in the US chart, it falls in Aquarius within the third house at 27 degrees. The Moon represents the people and their moods, while Aquarius signifies independence, brotherhood, and freedom. With four planets in Cancer (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter) in the US chart, the Moon acts as the final depositor, emphasizing the importance of meeting the needs of the people. The Moon in Aquarius highlights the sovereignty of the people and their ability to influence the government through elected representatives. Additionally, this placement underscores the significance of communication, education, and matters related to transit systems and the Post Office.
There are several dominant transits in the United States’ birth chart that hold significance. Mars square Neptune, occurring between the seventh and ninth houses, represents an idealistic vision but can also lead to confusion, manipulation, and the glamorization of violence. This aspect was evident during the US Civil War and has resurfaced in recent years, contributing to political polarization, conspiracy theories, and social unrest.

Another significant aspect is the opposition between Mercury and Pluto, spanning the eighth and second houses. This opposition highlights the role of media, financial well-being, and opposing political viewpoints. The US experienced this aspect during its transition from a monarchy to a democracy, and it has continued to manifest in military actions and media influence.
Furthermore, the United States has been undergoing its first Pluto return, where Pluto returns to its original position in the US chart at 27 degrees of Capricorn. This period has been marked by heightened political polarization, racial tensions, revelations of Russian interference in elections, and a renewed focus on combating corruption.
Looking ahead, the influence of Aquarius will be prominent for the United States and the world. With Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in 2024, significant changes can be expected in areas such as technology, medicine, power systems, and collective ideals. Aquarius emphasizes justice, equality, and brotherhood, and demands for social progress and technological advancements will shape the coming years.
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By 2026, an alignment of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn will offer unprecedented opportunities for the betterment of mankind, regardless of global challenges. This configuration holds immense potential for advancements in various fields, such as technology, medicine, and data systems.
In conclusion, astrology provides intriguing insights into the birth chart of a country like the United States. By examining the positions and aspects of celestial bodies, astrologers can gain a deeper understanding of a nation’s identity, challenges, and potential future developments. Happy Birthday, America!