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Soul urge number

Your soul urge number is often referred to as the Heart’s Desire number in numerology. This can symbolize a reflection of your inner, or true, self. The most interesting thing about the soul urge number is that it often reveals truths in people that they only recognize once a reading is completed.
For example, your heart's desire number may show that you actually crave power. Or, that you are much deeper and require a higher level of fulfillment. Alternatively, you may have a need to feel valued or cared for… All of these qualities can often sit beneath the surface and in revelation can be quite enlightening. Even changing the entire direction of a person's life to find true happiness.
The calculation is similar to others using your full birth name. However, you only calculate the value of the vowels to reveal your inner urges or desires.


Numerology is an ancient practice that uses numbers to gain insights into a person’s character, personality, and life path. One key component of a person’s numerology profile is the soul urge number, also known as the heart’s desire number. This number provides insights into a person’s deepest desires, passions, and motivations, and can offer valuable guidance on how to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

What is the Soul Urge Number?

The soul urge number is calculated based on the vowels in a person’s full birth name. Unlike the life path number and expression number, which are calculated using the full name, including both consonants and vowels, the soul urge number focuses solely on the vowels, as they are believed to represent the core of a person’s being.

Each vowel is assigned a numerical value based on the numerology chart:

A = 1

E = 5

I = 9

O = 6

U = 3

Y = 7

To calculate the soul urge number, add up the numerical values of all the vowels in your full birth name, and reduce the total to a single digit or master number. For example, if your full birth name is John Michael Smith, your soul urge number would be calculated as follows:

O + I + A + E + I = 6 + 9 + 1 + 5 + 9 = 30

3 + 0 = 3

So your soul urge number would be 3.

What Does the Soul Urge Number Mean?

The soul urge number provides insights into a person’s deepest desires, passions, and motivations. It reflects the core of their being and can help them understand what they truly want in life.

People with a soul urge number of 1 are driven by a desire for independence, leadership, and self-expression. They may be drawn to careers in business, entrepreneurship, or creative fields, and may struggle with issues of control or impulsiveness.

Those with a soul urge number of 2 are driven by a desire for harmony, cooperation, and partnership. They may excel in fields such as counseling, teaching, or social work, and may struggle with issues of codependency or indecisiveness.

People with a soul urge number of 3 are driven by a desire for creativity, self-expression, and social interaction. They may excel in fields such as writing, acting, or the arts, and may struggle with issues of self-doubt or superficiality.

Those with a soul urge number of 4 are driven by a desire for stability, security, and practicality. They may excel in fields such as engineering, finance, or real estate, and may struggle with issues of inflexibility or rigidity.

People with a soul urge number of 5 are driven by a desire for freedom, adventure, and change. They may excel in fields such as travel, journalism, or entrepreneurship, and may struggle with issues of restlessness or impulsiveness.

Those with a soul urge number of 6 are driven by a desire for love, harmony, and service. They may excel in fields such as healthcare, counseling, or education, and may struggle with issues of codependency or self-sacrifice.

People with a soul urge number of 7 are driven by a desire for knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth. They may excel in fields such as research, academia, or spirituality, and may struggle with issues of isolation or detachment.

Those with a soul urge number of 8 are driven by a desire for success, achievement, and material abundance. They may excel in fields such as finance, entrepreneurship, or management, and may struggle with issues of greed or materialism.

People with a soul urge number of 9 are driven by a desire for humanitarianism, compassion, and …spiritual growth. They may excel in fields such as social work, psychology, or the arts, and may struggle with issues of selflessness or martyrdom.

Master numbers, such as 11, 22, and 33, are also significant in numerology and are believed to carry a higher spiritual vibration and more intense energy than the single-digit numbers. Individuals with a soul urge number that reduces to a master number may have a more challenging and complex path, but also have the potential for great spiritual growth and impact.

How to Use Your Soul Urge Number

Understanding your soul urge number can provide valuable insights into your deepest desires, motivations, and life purpose. It can help you make more informed decisions about your career, relationships, and personal growth, and guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

To start using your soul urge number, try asking yourself questions such as:

    • What do I truly want in life?
    • What am I passionate about?
    • What motivates and drives me?
    • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment?

Use your soul urge number as a guide to explore these questions and gain deeper insights into your innermost desires and motivations. Use this knowledge to make more informed decisions about your career, relationships, and personal growth, and to pursue a life that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.

In addition to the soul urge number, there are several other numerology numbers that can provide valuable insights into your life path and purpose. Consider exploring your life path number, expression number, challenge number, and other key numerology numbers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your numerology profile and how it can guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


The soul urge number is a powerful tool for gaining insights into a person’s deepest desires, passions, and motivations. It provides valuable guidance on how to live a fulfilling and purposeful life, and can help individuals make more informed decisions about their career, relationships, and personal growth.

By understanding your soul urge number and using it as a guide to explore your innermost desires and motivations, you can gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose and make choices that align with your truest self. Consider exploring other key numerology numbers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your numerology profile and unlock even more insights into your life path and purpose.

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