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Leo July 2024 Monthly Horoscope

Leo, July 2024 is a month for you to relax and go with the flow. You'll realize that you don't have to be in control all the time and that it's okay to just enjoy the moment. During this time, you'll be very understanding of others, and your loved ones will want to be around you and come to you for advice. Your great communication skills and ability to listen will help you meet someone who will become an important part of your life, whether it's a romantic partner or a good friend.

This month, you'll feel a sense of harmony and warmth, thanks to the influence of Venus. You'll be able to make new relationships easily, and you'll meet interesting people. You'll also have enough patience to listen to those who might not be as appealing at first. However, jealousy might pop up because of Venus's influence.

You might be hanging out with your friends and at the same time, blame your partner for not spending enough time with you. Try to understand that it might not always be fun for them to spend time with your friends.

At the start of the month, you'll be looking at where you are in life, as most people do before their birthday (happy birthday, Leo!). By doing this, you might realize that there are parts of your life that you haven't seen clearly and want to understand better. With the new moon this month, it will be a great time to think about these things.

You'll quickly notice that doing this will make you feel much better. With your confidence higher and brighter, you'll be motivated to connect with others and possibly expand your group of friends in July. At work, this confidence might give you the courage to give some tasks to others and free up your time for other things.

From July 22nd on, the sun will be in your sign and everyone will be paying attention to you. Go ahead and enjoy it. Luck is on your side.

On the 18th, a dream could give you clues on how to improve your career. On the 21st, you'll be very creative. On the 23rd, avoid an argument with your partner by choosing to do something on your own.

This is a time when you'll be making solid plans to reach the goals you've set for yourself. For any issues you might face at work, your coworkers will be quick to support you. Take care of your health, as you might have some stomach or knee problems.

Neptune goes retrograde, reminding you that it's okay to let your spiritual beliefs change. And if you notice changes in your sex drive, don't feel bad about it, no matter which way it shifts, as this could also happen during Neptune retrograde. The new moon in Cancer highlights your 12th House of the Unconscious, marking a time of strong intuition and psychic awareness. Love flows when sweet Venus enters your sign.

It's a great time to ask people out on first dates. The Capricorn full moon in your 6th House asks you to make self-care a priority and maybe stay in and relax. And, of course, your season starts this month, so you can celebrate then. Happy birthday, Leo! Make sure to celebrate yourself.

In July, you'll feel calmer and more content with letting life happen as it will. You'll be there for your loved ones and be a great listener, which will strengthen your relationships. You might meet someone special who becomes a significant part of your life. Jealousy could come up with your partner, but try to see things from their perspective.

Before your birthday, you'll reflect on your life and gain clarity on areas you want to understand better. The new moon will support this self-reflection. As your confidence grows, you'll want to socialize more and possibly make new friends. At work, you might delegate some tasks to focus on other things.

When the sun enters your sign on the 22nd, you'll be in the spotlight and luck will be on your side. Pay attention to your dreams mid-month for career insights. Avoid conflicts by taking time for yourself when needed.

You'll make concrete plans to achieve your goals and have support from colleagues with any work challenges. Prioritize your physical health, especially digestion and joints.

As Neptune retrogrades, be open to your spiritual views evolving. The Cancer new moon heightens your intuition. Love opportunities arise when Venus enters Leo - a great time for first dates. The Capricorn full moon reminds you to practice self-care. Enjoy your birthday season, Leo, and celebrate all that you are!

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Self-confidence, generosity, determination, natural leadership


Self-centered, naive, arrogant, unable to accept criticism

Leo likes

Take center stage, arts, following their heart, drama

Leo dislikes

Following rules, lack of attention, monotonous situations

Leo represents the hero’s journey, that person who decides to leave their home behind in order to find themselves. Leo individuals are expressive, strong-willed, and passionate. They don’t shy to take center stage, quite the contrary!

They thrive on drawing attention and having all eyes on them. Leo’s are provocative and inspiring, as they follow their dreams no matter how hard or how long it will take them. These individuals are great artists with contagious energy.

They are also very generous and encourage their loved ones to break free from their humdrum lifestyles and look for their life purpose. Leo’s sometimes struggle to commit to life’s “boring” aspects, like following a strict schedule or outdated rules.

Leo is a fire sign, which explains their expressive and dramatic personality. They are constantly pursuing new adventures, looking for new thrills, and living as Hollywood stars.

A life without drama and excitement is not worth living for Leo. Fire makes Leo signs very outgoing and friendly, always expressing what’s on their mind and with enough confidence to be authentic and take the lead.

Leo’s ruling star is the Sun, the center of the solar system. That is why Leo types have a certain glow about them that cannot go unnoticed.

However, they sometimes expect too much attention from others, mistaking praise for affection. They must learn to let go of the limelight from time to time and let others take center stage.

What does the Leo sign mean?

The sign of Leo is one of the most enthusiastic and creative of all on the zodiac wheel. They are expressive, spontaneous, and outgoing. Leo do their best to pursue their dreams and live their life like a movie.

What is Leo attracted to?

Leo is attracted to adventurous and spontaneous people like them. They need supportive partners who let them take the lead and allow them to be in the limelight.

Leo are compatible with fire signs like Aries and Sagittarius and caring individuals like Cancer and Libra.

What type of person is a Leo?

Leo’s are a very generous people with a huge heart and an outgoing personality. They are expressive and passionate artists who live their lives to the fullest.

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