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10 Things You NEED to Include in Your Monthly Full Moon Ritual

The full moon is a powerful time of energy and manifestation, and performing a full moon ritual is a great way to harness this energy and align with your goals and desires. But what should you include in your monthly full moon ritual? In this article, we’ll discuss 10 things you need to include in your monthly full moon ritual to make it effective and powerful.

  1. Set an intention: Before you begin your full moon ritual, it’s important to set an intention. This could be something as simple as focusing on self-care, manifesting abundance, or releasing negative energy. Having a clear intention will help you focus and align with the energy of the full moon.
  2. Create a sacred space: Creating a sacred space for your full moon ritual is essential. This could be anywhere in your home where you feel comfortable and safe. Light candles, burn incense, and set up an altar with items that are meaningful to you.
  3. Connect with the moon: Connecting with the moon is a crucial part of your full moon ritual. Spend time outside under the moonlight, gaze at the moon, and feel its energy. You can also meditate on the moon and visualize yourself being infused with its powerful energy.
  4. Cleanse your space and body: Cleansing your space and body is an important step in preparing for your full moon ritual. Cleanse your space with sage, palo santo, or another smudging herb. Take a bath or shower to physically cleanse your body and prepare for the ritual.
  5. Write down what you want to release: The full moon is a time of release and letting go of what no longer serves you. Write down what you want to release and burn the paper during your ritual. You can also meditate on the things you want to release and visualize yourself letting them go.
  6. Charge crystals: Crystals can be powerful tools for manifestation, and charging them during the full moon is a great way to boost their energy. Place your crystals outside under the moonlight, or hold them in your hands during your ritual and visualize them being charged with the moon’s energy.
  7. Meditate: Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with the energy of the full moon. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, and meditate on your intention. You can also meditate on the moon and visualize yourself being infused with its energy.
  8. Perform a tarot or oracle card reading: Tarot and oracle card readings can be a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance during your full moon ritual. Spend some time doing a tarot or oracle card reading to gain clarity on your intentions and the energy of the full moon.
  9. Gratitude and manifestation: The full moon is a powerful time for manifestation, and it’s important to focus on what you’re grateful for and what you want to manifest. Write down a list of things you’re grateful for, and also write down what you want to manifest. Spend some time focusing on these things during your ritual.
  10. End with gratitude: End your full moon ritual with gratitude. Spend some time focusing on what you’re grateful for, and express gratitude for the energy of the full moon and the manifestation you’re bringing into your life. You can also thank the moon for its energy and the gifts it brings.

In conclusion, these are ten things you need to include in your monthly full moon ritual to make it effective and powerful. By setting an intention, creating a sacred space, connecting with the moon, cleansing your space and body, writing down what you want to release, charging crystals, meditating, performing a tarot or oracle card reading, focusing on gratitude and manifestation, and ending with gratitude, you can harness the energy of the full moon and align with your goals and desires. Remember that your full moon ritual is a personal and intimate experience, so feel free to modify and personalize it to suit your needs and desires. With these tips and a little bit of intention and focus, you can make the most of the powerful energy of the full moon and create the life you desire.

Athena Dykman, a native Canadian, has seen and done it all. Besides Numerology, Taro, and Astrology, Athena is an intuitive reader - she's been in business for over 10 years as a personal advisor. Since 2020, she has been writing for MyAstrology. Her topics range from occultism to esoterica to art to parenting to feminism to fortune telling.

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